Thursday, June 3, 2010

[文摘] hello world

某程序员对书法十分感兴趣,退休后决定在这方面有所建树。于是花重金购买了上等的文房四宝。一日,饭后突生雅兴,一番磨墨拟纸,并点上了上好的檀香,颇有王羲之风范,又具颜真卿气势,定神片刻,泼墨挥毫,郑重地写下一行字:hello world

Sunday, May 23, 2010

pledit, CoreFoundation init failed

I was trying to add new fonts to my ipod touch, and had to use plist editor to edit .plist file.
However it kept showing CoreFoundation init failed error. After a bit research, I solved the problem.
I would like to share it here.

Probably you are using a non-english windows version. To solve it:

1.- Create the directory: C:\Program Files\Common Files.
2.- Search in your language this same folder (eg. in spanish the folder it´s called C:\Program Files\Archivos Comunes). In this folder you´ll find an "Apple" Folder (C:\Program Files\Archivos Comunes\Apple).
3.- Copy this "Apple" folder and paste it in the directory created in step 1, so that it looks like this: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple

If it doesn´t work, restart your PC and it should work.

If it's not because of this. Then may be because you are using iTunes 9.1.1

copy "C:/Program Files/Common Files/Apple/Apple Application Support" folder to
"C:/Program Files/Common Files/Apple/Mobile Device Support"
then rename it to bin

Try start pledit again. It would work properly.